Thursday, March 09, 2006

1/2 tahun

wah tanggal 10 nanti tepat 6 bln gw mengembara di helsinki. gila ya, waktu cepet banget berlalu. tadi di bis tiba2 gw dpt ide utk mlakukan studi banding antara 6 bulan di helsinki dan jakarta. bukan krn gw menyesal memutuskan ke sini, tapi ya gw pengen aja liat sejauh ini hal2 positif apa aja sih yg dah gw dapat slm mengembara.

andai ku di jakarta!
- masih di kantor yg sama dgn karir yg stagnan
- mungkin pindah bagian, wlo gak sgampang itu, krn saat gw blg ke bos mo coba peruntungan di helsinki, dia kira gw bosen dan nyaranin gw utk pindah bag, which is i'll do if i did decide to stay in jkt
- naik gaji
- dapet bonus yg katanya lumayan memuaskan
- makin dekat dgn pacar, apalagi saat gw cabs, hub gw sm dia lagi lancar2nya, tapi...
- belum kepikiran nikah
- lanjutin les belanda
- makin akrab sm temen2, tapi kmungkinan nambah temen baru sangat tipis
- mobil gw makin keren
- bosen minta ampun
- nambah koleksi dvd
- bisa nabung utk masa depan

6 bulan di helsinki!
- pengalaman dan tantangan baru
- stres + depressed krn jobless, once a buruh always a buruh, thus, no income :(
- panik krn karir tertunda utk beberapa saat (duh kesannya keren bgt yak, karir. tepatnya pekerjaan...)
- mandiri, akhirnya gw nyentuh dapur dan pekerjaan rumah tangga lainnya
- lapland, meet the real santa claus + eat raindeer meat
- stockholm
- tallinn
- tidur sendiri, akhirnya...
- lots of lots of new friends, indo and non-indo
- belajar suomi
- helia
- b.inggris terasah, written and orally
- punya blog
- jauh dari pacar so it's a gambling
- cape2 gw nabung + cicil mobil, gak mnikmati si kimun
- gendutan
- klo gak dpt kul, harus puls dgn kpala tertunduk dan memulai karir dr bawah
- dosa makin byk, i think
- and last but not least, finally... i wanna get married, hahaha... which is a huge step for me. never thought that this kinda feeling will come someday. so... it's really really the most positive thing i have while i'm here...

so whaddya think? it is actually hard to decide which one is better than the other. depends on ur point of view. maybe for an adventurous person, she'll definitely choose the second one, cause... well u know why. but for the type of person who likes certainty, then number one it is. and for myself, mmhmm.... i think i certainly choose number two, not because i'm already here and wanted to show that i'm not regretting my decision, but maybe... because of the last reason, hahahaha....

i know it sounds stupid. but if i had to go to the north pole to have that feeling, then i will... cause for some people they consider it as a miracle. but the problem is... do i feel this way cause i'm lonely and abroad? if i go back to jakarta, is this feeling still gonna be there? pphhuiff.... tough question. i dunno and i don't care. i'm lucky just to be here. i'm glad that i survive this far. never thought that my life will turn out to be like this 4-5 months a go. i'm satisfied with what i've achieved this far, though there are some that are still on my list.

and about the marriage thing? well, let's just leave it that way. let's just see what happen on april and may, cause then my futur life will be decided...

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