Friday, January 13, 2006

ice skating

ice skating on a real ice field. it's an interesting, yet tiring experience. bought the skate at kcity market for 24,99 e. quite cheap. the only shoe size 40 i ever have. fell down for a few times, made my friends laugh. what a beautiful day!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


last weekend, some of indo kids and i went to stockholm by boat. do u remember "love boat" series? well that kind of boat. maybe not that big, but definitely that kind of boat (a bit redundant, eh?!). it took almost about 16 hours to get to stockholm, sweden. so we spent most of the time on the boat. quite crowded, filled with people from all ages. some spending it with the loves one, some spending it by getting drunk, some spending it by shopping at dutyfree, some spending it by looking for one-night stands, and some spending it with some friends and getting drunk, such as us :) it's quite a remarkable journey! especially after we got to stockholm. another new country for me. one more to my list! it's bigger, more beautiful, more attractive, a lot cheaper thank this tiny capital city called helsinki. i like it a lot! but most of all, i like the time we spent on the boat. crazy and wild! :D

the trauma ends!!

yup, finally my childhood's trauma ends! imagine this! in front of not too much people, but enough to make u embarrassed, under the spotlights, among bules, in the middle of nowhere (do any of u know where viljandi, estonia is? bet u don't!!), i overcome my biggest trauma, the only childhood trauma i ever had. i have never been molested (thank U Lord!), i've never been beaten up, strangled, committed suicide, brutally abused when i was a child. but i've been embrassingly expelled from a dance group after weeks of practicing, hours of working hard, seconds of sweating, cause of my stiff body. thanks to this male sport teacher (don't mean to be sexist, but...) who without any mercy said that "the dance is good, except sari" in front of my group. damn teacher!! stupid, narrow-minded, pig-headed, big ass, mr no-good teacher!! it's a good thing i forgot your name! okay okay, back to that viljandi thing. finally, after almost 15 years, i show it to him! i show it that i can do it! i show it that i'm good at it! i show it that i can dance saman!! eat that, u motherf****r!!